In 1964, the ABC-TV network created a television series based on Addams’ cartoon characters. The series was shot in black-and-white and aired for two seasons in 64 half-hour episodes (September 18, 1964 – September 2, 1966).
百度网盘 | 质量 | 字幕 | 点击 | 日期 | 分享 |
阿达一家人:第1季 提取码:8023 | 480P | 无中字 | 53 | 2年前 | Justin Timberlake |
其他网盘 | 质量 | 字幕 | 点击 | 日期 | 分享 |
阿达一家人:第1季 夸克网盘 | 480P | 无中字 | 24 | 2年前 | Justin Timberlake |